Outstanding Home in a Drama Series: Game of...

If you prefer blankets to swim trunks and skis to surfboards, then the castle at Winterfell from "Game of Thrones" might have piqued your interest if you were in the market for a cozy home (or hut) a...

Outstanding Home in a Drama Series: Boardwalk...

Sometimes, you just have to grow up and move on out of that bachelor pad you own in the penthouse of the Ritz Carlton. In season 2 of Boardwalk Empire, New Jersey’s friendliest criminal traded...

Outstanding Home in a Drama Series: Breaking Bad

In continuing our look at homes featured in the 2012 Emmy's Outstanding Drama nominees, today we come to Breaking Bad. AMC's Breaking Bad is quickly becoming the most talked about show online. It...

Outstanding Home in a Drama Series: Mad Men

The 2012 Emmy Nominations were announced last week and Mad Men, the four-time best drama series winner, took top honors with 17 nominations in total; one for each month the cult hit was off the air...

The 10 Home Remodeling Projects You Should Not DIY

We often suggest easy and affordable ways to upgrade and decorate your home. In the past we have includes posts that included Save Money On Home Improvements, Small Upgrades that Go a Long Way and...

Outstanding Home in a Drama Series: Downton Abbey

The 2012 Emmy nominations were announced last week and of course there were the usual suspects to go along with the obvious snubs. At Coldwell Banker Real Estate, we noticed that the nominees in the...