Can You Buy a Home With No Down Payment?

Many people meet some aspects of the lending criteria, but lack the cash for down payment. How can you buy a house without giving 20% of the asking price upfront?

How to Save for a Down Payment on a NYC Apartment

A down payment is the gateway to obtaining an apartment in NYC. The problem is, many people here don't make enough to be able to put money aside. Read on to find out how you can aggressively save for...

Down Payment: How Do You Save for One in NYC?

The biggest obstacle for most New Yorkers when it comes to buying a home is saving enough for a down payment. You may have given up on your dream of home ownership because of this, but don't!...

We Believe in First Time Home Buyers

According the National Association of Realtors, nearly a third of real estate home buyers this year will be entering the housing market for the first time. As a first time buyer, you'll soon find out...

5 Tips for Saving for a Down Payment on a Home

Simple ways you can save for a home down payment