Texas Winter Tips for DFW Homeowners

Although Texas winters in Dallas-Fort Worth are usually mild, most homeowners take steps to winterize their property. Ice and snow occur usually once or twice a year, and occasionally an extremely...

Your Guide to Holiday Decorations, Philly-style

Philadelphia loves decorating for the holidays, and now's your chance to join in with the best of them. Whatever decorative theme you pick, make sure you keep safety in mind. If you have a homeowners...

Townhouse or Condo: Which is Right for You?

If you hate the idea of paying rent to a landlord but don't want to have a large lot to care for, owning a townhouse or condo in Jacksonville may be the perfect solution. Find out the differences...

Fire Safety Tips for Your Home

With so many different devices and increasing electrical demands for Dallas homes, fire safety is even more important than ever. Use these tips to help increase the safety in your home and prevent a...

Maintanence Tips to Avoid Costly A/C Repair

By maintaining your air conditioner, changing the filters, and cleaning the drain lines, you can avoid a costly A/C repair or even damage to your home. Here are a few easy tips to keep your A/C unit...

What’s the New Green?

In a conversation the other day, a group of us started talking about how the term ‘green’ is so dated. I never thought about it until that moment but had to agree that the term hasn’t evolved...