Tips for Decorating a Small Kitchen in Your NYC...

Decorating a small kitchen is a fun challenge that can yield amazing results! Keep organized and get creative, and you'll see that a small kitchen...

Living in Harlem, Living the Dream

Harlem is a magical place filled with history, beauty, and charm, and it's suddenly become one of the hottest tickets in town for investors and...

I’m Outta Here! 5 Awesome Weekend Getaways...

New York is fabulous, no doubt about it, but sometimes you need to get away from your usual haunts so that you can come back and fall in love with...

Home Improvement Ideas for 3 Common NYC Apartment...

When it comes to home improvement ideas, NYC apartment dwellers need to know their share. With space at a premium, city apartments come with their...

I Have a Studio! How Do I Throw a Great Party?

Some of the best parties ever have been thrown in the tiniest studios, so just because you do all your living in one room doesn't mean that you can't...

4 Fall Decorating Ideas for Your NYC Apartment

Fall is a beautiful season in NYC. And it's the perfect time to make your living space beautiful, too. Some fall decorating ideas for your NYC...