Commercials and other ads make painting at home look like this:
Or This:
And This:
But we all really know it can end up looking more like this:
Or This:
And Of Course This:
If your past experiences looked anything like the last three images then we have life hacks you are going to love.
Paint-Can Drip Tip
Spills and drips are bound to happen while you are painting. Reduce the mess by wrapping a rubber band around the paint can. Wipe the bottom of the brush against the band each time you dip to avoid spills on the floor.
Aluminum Foil Paint Protector
The great thing about tinfoil is that it molds to whatever shape it is wrapped around.By wrapping foil around fixtures like doorknobs and other hardware you can paint around the item without worrying about dribble from excess paint running onto the protected item. (
Vaseline Protection
Vaseline can be used to cover up things that you don’t want to get painted like hinges, key hole locks, and glass. (
Paint-Pan Liner
Lining the paint pan with aluminum foil is a great idea for many reasons. First and foremost it allows for a super easy clean up. If you are painting with multiple colors you can simply throw away the foil, place a new sheet, and you are good to go. It also allows you to dump unused paint back into the can easily. (
Painting Hard to Reach Places
Have you ever tried painting behind a toilet? Trust me, it isn’t fun. This tip from is genius. “If you have a tight spot to paint, remove the pad from a paint edging tool (about $2 at home centers). Hot-glue the pad to a stir stick, and you’ve got a painting tool that will fit behind toilet tanks and radiators.” (
Paint Color Reminder Trick
After you have finished painting, touch ups may not be the first thing you are thinking about. Avoid guesswork on the paint color for later on by writing the product number on painters’ tape and stick the label to the back of the room’s light-switch plate. (
Do you have any other painting tips or tricks that have made your experience easier? Please let us know!
[…] 6 Super Simple Tips and Tricks for Painting at Home […]
[…] 6 Super Simple Tips and Tricks for Painting at Home […]
[…] 6 Super Simple Tips and Tricks for Painting at Home […]
[…] 6 Super Simple Tips and Tricks for Painting at Home […]
[…] Lining the paint pan with aluminum foil is a great idea for many reasons. First and foremost it allows for a super easy clean up. If you are painting with multiple colors you can simply throw away the foil, place a new sheet, and you are good to go. It also allows you to dump unused paint back …read more […]
[…] Lining the paint pan with aluminum foil is a great idea for many reasons. First and foremost it allows for a super easy clean up. If you are painting with multiple colors you can simply throw away the foil, place a new sheet, and you are good to go. It also allows you to dump unused paint back …read more […]
You could also put a swipe of the paint itself on the back of the light switch plate. That way if the colour is discontinued, the store may be able to scan a reasonable match. (Wouldn’t work for touch-ups, but might let you get away with repainting only one wall instead of all four.)
Nice idea Laura
When my grandfather finished painting a room, there was always the paint color on the inside of the lid. He would put the brand, color and numbers on the colored part of the lid and then the best part. He would hammer the lid on the cellar ceiling. As kids, we loved going in the cellar and looking up at the colors and try to remember what room each lid went with. There were lots of them because it was a 10 room house and they lived there many many years.
What a great memory and smart grandfather
Thank you for sharing.
The key to faster brush painting is to pat the flat side of the brush instead of wiping. It pushes paint into the bristles instead of wiping it off. Your stroke will last longer making you paint faster.
Most people ( cut in ) with too small a brush. You can reach anywhere with a 3″ brush. When applying a ( cut line ) crush the brush on its edge. Start your stroke away from the edge and as the brush pulls no ( bead or excess paint ) then approach your cut line. Then back stroke to prevent that build up from dripping.
Always use a paint bucket, never the can.
When rolling use a crosshatch pattern, never straight up and down.
My first paint jib the boss required us to use a 6″ block brush. If you didn’t you went home. THAT will teach you how to paint, fast..
Oh my I bet you learned very fast! Thanks for the great tips!
Excellent tips! The pictures of the amateur painters are almost even more entertaining! This will make our painting in Brisbane next year so much easier.
In the last tip about putting the paint # on the back of the light switch yu misspelled a word. In the first line you wrote “touch ups may not be the first THINK you are thinking about”. I believe the word should be THING?
I THINK you are correct
Thanks for the catch!
These are some great tips, because whenever I’ve tried to do some of the painting projects myself. I’ve always either painted myself into a corner, or I’ve always ended up having a paint war.
A great job you have already done. I’m really delighted to see your amazing work.
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[…] The classic method of wiping excess paint from your brush onto the can rim will only add gunk to the can. Instead, loop a rubber band lengthwise over the can and wipe the brush against the bottom of the rubber band. […]