How a Father Built a Home With Only His Hands

By the title, you might imagine that I am about to tell you about the hard laboring, weathered hands of the man I call Daddy. You’re right. My...

Mixing Home Culture and the Holidays: Three Kings...

As a proud Latina born and raised in the United States, I have always made sure that both sides of my heritage—the Latin and the American—are...

From Texas to New York: A New Holiday Home

Five years ago I packed up my life in Texas and moved to the New York City. As my sixth Christmas in the Big Apple nears I can’t help but reflect...

We Believe in Spreading Holiday Cheer

As the champions of 'home' and our belief in the emotional equity we all get from them, the holidays are an extra special time for us at Coldwell...

Legos + Holidays + Home = Amazing Memories

I built my first home at around 6 years old. It was actually a castle. Had a moat and even a stable around back. It wasn't all that big, but it's...

5 Great Home Apps for the Holidays

At some point over the next week or so you'll probably be spending some more time at home than usual, and it's quite possible that your home will be...