Dallas Real Estate Market: Dream Home Wrangling

Find out what you can do to ensure that you win your dream home in the booming Dallas-Fort Worth real estate market. Learn tips and tactics to appeal to sellers and get an edge over fierce...

Canadian Real Estate: How Will Trudeau’s...

The recent election in Canada has brought in a new Prime Minister and majority government. What will the proposed changes to the economy as outlined in Trudeau's election campaign mean for the...

What the Economists Are Missing in the Real...

If you have been following the news, you know the economy is getting better, unemployment rates are improving ever so slightly, consumers are spending a bit more while not going overboard and...

Singles in the Suburbs

Almost all of us are familiar with the popular TV series and movie that sound a bit like my post’s title today. But forget about cosmopolitans and big city exploits for a moment, because a recent...

Canadian Market Doing Fine

  I just got back from the Canadian Business Conference in Vancouver.  I’m sure most of you who watched the recent Olympics on TV will understand why I think Vancouver is one of the most...