Home Buying Information You May Not Have Considered

If you're planning to buy a home in Jacksonville, you need to investigate more than the cost of the house and your possible interest rates. Your potential new neighbors, the local businesses, and the home's utilities can influence your home purchase.

If you’re planning to buy a home in Jacksonville, you probably already know to do a title search, find out about mortgages, and check how far it is to the beach. All vital information for buying a Florida house, but it may not be the most crucial home buying information you can find out. Just as marriage is more than just a wedding, buying a home is much more than simply purchasing a piece of property. You’re changing your entire lifestyle, and careful investigation can reveal whether or not you’re buying a lifestyle you’ll enjoy for years. 

Meet the Neighbors

Introduce yourself to the neighbors on all sides of the property. These are the people who will be living around your home for years, so it’s important to know whether you can get along with them, or if they’ll make you absolutely miserable. Knock on their door and introduce yourself, explaining that you’re considering buying the property and that you want to know about the neighborhood. Ask about children, how long people generally own their homes, or any info they can give you about the other neighbors. A five-minute conversation should be enough of a first impression to tell you whether you would be able to get along with them in a neighborly fashion.

Financial Obligations

Your banker or mortgage broker can tell you the home buying information about your house and insurance payment, but that’s only going to be part of the cost of living in this home. Check with the utility companies to find out the average monthly payments for gas, water, garbage, electric, and any other recurring bills. and any other recurring bills. Your bill will, of course, depend on your particular usage, but past years’ bills can give you an indication of the range of payments for this house. Is there a homeowners association? Are there dues to be paid, or regular events that you’re required to join in, such as flower planting or holiday decorating? Add all these extra charges and fees into your projected budget before deciding to purchase this house.


Are you stuck on shopping at Publix, or are you a Walmart person? Do you absolutely have to have an independent pizza shop withing a few minutes’ drive? Figure out the important quality-of-life issues you have, from a gym to the local wine shop, and search for them in relation to your prospective new home. If you love discovering chic new restaurants but your would-be home is in the middle of fast-food heaven, are you willing to drive the extra miles every week for the foreseeable future? Check for libraries, churches, Weight Watchers meeting spots, and any other business or organization you frequent, and pin them on a map.

You may have already considered the house and your ability to afford it, but make sure you think of these other, less tangible factors — they could make all the difference. 


Anne Baley

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