Apartment Showing? How to Make Your Home Look Its Best

Getting your home ready for an apartment showing takes a lot of hard work. Sellers need to make sure that they make their apartments look their absolute best in order to increase the chance of a sale. This articles offers tips on what to do.

If you’re planning on putting your place on the market, you obviously want to make the best possible impression with the apartment showing. But keep in mind that this may require more than just some basic tidying up — you may need to roll up your sleeves and give your place more substantive touchups. So start by asking your realtor about what you should fix, and take the advice seriously. While your realtor can give you specific pointers, here are some basic tips for preparing for an apartment showing.

Go for a Deep Clean

There’s everyday clean, and then there’s “apartment showing” clean. Think about hiring a cleaning service to do a deep cleaning to reach all those places you might not pay attention to on a regular basis but will be carefully scrutinized by apartment hunters. Scrubbing cupboards, washing windowsills, steam-cleaning the fridge, dusting the light fixtures — these are all things we might skip during a routine cleaning. Leave it to the professionals instead. Great cleaning services can make an apartment sparkle, so it’s completely worth the investment.

Give It a Fresh Coat of Paint

The idea of painting your apartment may make you want to curl up in the fetal position, but your efforts will pay off. After living in an apartment for a while, a homeowner may not realize how dingy and scuffed the walls have become, but someone touring your apartment for the first time will almost certainly notice right away. Walls in need of a paint job can make a place feel unbelievably shabby, and shabby translates into a lower sales price. It doesn’t matter whether you hire a painter to do it or you bribe your friends with pizza and vino; painting your space can make it feel brand-new.

Add Pretty Accessories

Ever notice how you can instantly brighten up a room with an artfully placed vase full of sunflowers? Eye-catching accessories are like jewelry for your home. Get brightly colored throw pillows and luxuriously textured throws. On showing day, fill a simple vase with fresh flowers. Remember: You’re trying to make your space look as cozy and welcoming as possible — you’re trying to get people to imagine themselves living there.

Stage the Apartment with Beautiful Furnishings

Well-furnished apartments tend to sell faster and for higher prices than ones with empty rooms or rundown furnishings. If you’ve got noticeably worn-out furniture, this is the time to upgrade it. You know the saying, “You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here”? The same applies to apartment staging. When you’re preparing for your apartment showing, put the old furnishings in storage and replace them with beautiful new pieces. If you’re not ready to buy all-new things, consider renting furniture for staging your home.

Image Source: Flickr/A. Golden


Sakai Blue
Sakai Blue

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