Here’s to Kids

Through Tom Selleck’s voice on the new Coldwell Banker commercials, we are reminded just how important our children are in defining our homes. We...

Here’s to Backyards

There are plenty of reasons why people buy a particular home. Could be the size. Could be the location. But one element that's often not talked about...

Infographic: The Real Value of a Home

Playing off the concept from our recently launched TV campaign, we thought it would be great to have an infographic that shows how to calculate the...

The Value of a Home

I am shocked at the sheer volume of charts, graphs and heat maps that try and focus consumers on the stats and appreciation trends in home buying and...

A New Look for Finding Home

Today we released a new look for our award winning website, The home pages has been updated with a much warmer and home-related...

Trying to Define Home

Home. It's a simple word with more meanings than one would expect. It's a term that crosses continents and has universal appeal. Sports,...