Breaking Dawn: Part 2 is the number one movie in the world right now and like it’s literary version, probably on its way to being one of the highest grossing films of all time. You can mock it all you want. You can tease that there’s a 34 year old man writing a post about Twilight, but the fact is I know you’ve seen every movie and probably read all the books…and the fan blogs.
Say what you want about the vampire/werewolf teen romance global phenomenon that is Twilight, but one thing you can’t argue is that these movies have produced some of the most interesting homes to appear on film.
From the Cullen’s primary residence to the beachfront mansion on Isle Esme to the secret layer of the Volturi, all the homes have a unique design and element to them that make them as much as character of the story as anything else.
With the final movie in theaters and no promise of future books from author, Stephanie Meyer, let’s take a look back at some of the incredible homes seen in the Twilight series.
The Swan Home

Home to Charlie and Bella, this residence makes an appearance in every movie. Residing in the cloudiest city in the United States, this Forks, WA home is a humble abode that’s fitting for the place of a single father who’s also the town’s top cop.
The Cullen Home

Is it a coven or a home? In either case this place is amazing. For the first film, an actual home was used but turns out the owners eventually wanted to sell the place. So the studio recreated the interior of the home on a sound stage for use in future movies.
The Home of Jacob Black

HQ for Team Jacob is described as having narrow windows and resembling a small barn. Can’t argue with that.
Home on Isle Esme

This is one heck of a vacation home. Located on a private island with access to beautiful beaches and jungle like surroundings, this home has it all. Open floor plan and plenty of living space make it a perfect party house or a honeymoon getaway. Rumor has it that the master bedroom may need some renovations.
Bella and Edward Cullen’s Cottage

Some call it a cottage. Others call it a cabin. In either case, it’s the nicest version of either of those terms that I’ve ever seen. Newly renovated for the newlywed couple by Esme Cullen, the cabin is outfitted like it’s ready for an Architectural Digest spread. While not as big as the Cullen house, it’s the perfect starter home for any undead couple.
For more on the various homes seen in the Twilight movies, check out Twilight Wikia.
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