Improving Home Security with Technology

Few things in life are more important than the safety and security of our home and family. Using improvements in home security technology, updating your Dallas-Fort Worth home security system can provide your family with security and peace of mind.

Few things in life are more important than the safety and security of our home and family. Using improvements in home security technology, updating your Dallas-Fort Worth residential security system can provide your family with security and peace of mind. As a homeowner in Dallas-Fort Worth, you can protect your property and your family from criminal activities, safety concerns, and accidents in many new ways.

Security Technology Leaps Forward

Technology in general has made enormous leaps forward in the last decade, and the advancements have come thanks to improved electronics, smartphones, wireless technology, and more advanced internet protocols. As a result, security systems now have the ability to do so much more than simply sound an alarm or notify the police.

Smart home security systems have the ability to instantly connect with specific emergency services based on an event, trigger fewer false alarms, and allow for automated features like remote access for locks, lighting, and thermostat controls. They can also provide notifications via email, text, or automated phone call; allow management through smartphone apps; and even provide real-time, web-based video monitoring, inside and outside your house.

In short, today’s smart homes use technology as a tool to improve security and safety and to provide instant access for today’s busy homeowners, no matter where they are. If it has been more than 5 years since your home security has been updated, now is the time to do so.

Burglary and Crime

No one ever wants to think about their home being burglarized, but the reality in the United States is that millions of homes are burglarized every year. The FBI reported in 2012 there were over 2 million burglaries in the US, with almost 75 percent of them residential. In Dallas-Fort Worth in 2012, over 52,000 burglaries were reported. While this was a decrease from the previous year’s numbers, the fact remains that a home burglary can happen to anyone, at any time, and without warning. The best defense against burglary is to take proactive steps to deter criminals.

Of course, there are basic common-sense steps to protect yourself, such as making sure your doors and windows are always locked even when you are at home (regardless of how safe your area may seem to you), promptly resolving maintenance issues that affect your home’s security, avoiding posting messages online about when you are going to be away, and using your home security every day. Automated, randomized lighting controls can serve as a powerful deterrent against burglars who monitor properties scoping out opportunities.

Health and Safety

Security systems now have the ability to continuously monitor carbon monoxide emissions, fire and smoke, and even water or flood damage. If you have pets who are alone during the day and the air conditioner stops working, what would happen to your pets in Dallas during August? For seniors, the disabled, and those who live alone, a home security system can provide the necessary help right away. Modern systems go beyond a panic button on the wall; they involve panic buttons on smartphones, key chains, and even laser intruder detectors while residents are at home.

Cost and Final Tips

With improved access to technology, the cost for an advanced home security system is easily within the reach of more homeowners. Work with a security specialist to develop a system that is equipped with the features that you feel are necessary and for a cost with which you are comfortable. Be sure that the security system uses the latest wireless connection protocols for internet security and that you carefully review areas of vulnerability prior to installation.


Charity Kountz

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