Coldwell Banker Releases “The Report,” A...

“The Report” identifies top 10 power and emerging luxury markets as luxury home buying trends and lifestyle preferences shift

Real Estate Trailblazers Represent New Wealth...

“A Look at Wealth” 2020 profiles three emerging archetypes driving the change behind shifting luxury home buying trends and lifestyle preferences

Coldwell Banker Global Luxury Announces Rebrand

The update gives the marketing program a more flexible mark to use across today’s mediums while also aligning with the Coldwell Banker core brand

Coldwell Banker Reports Most Number of $1...

Coldwell Banker affiliated agents conducted more transactions of homes priced at $1 million+ than any other national real estate brand in 2019

Lifestyles of The Rich and Insta-Famous: Coldwell...

“The Report” Profiles Market Shifts in Luxury Real Estate and Spotlights Emerging Trends from Wellness to Eco-Friendly Design

How data gave me the edge with my luxury listings

Today’s affluent clientele expect you to have expert knowledge of the latest luxury industry data and trends