How to Create a School Homework Station

Kids spend an average of six hours on school homework each week, according to research from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Do your kids have a designated spot to focus on their studies?

Kids spend an average of six hours on school homework each week, according to research from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Do your kids have a designated spot to focus on their studying? Having a quiet place to concentrate on their schoolwork can make all the difference. Here’s how to create a streamlined space for homework no matter the size or layout of your DFW home.

Pick a Spot — and Stick to It

Whether you deem your home office as the place to do school homework or you set up shop at the kitchen table, make it the same place each time. Kids thrive on consistency, so pick a place in your home that works for your family and go there every day to focus on after-school assignments.

Get Creative with Desk Placement

Keep an open mind when deciding where to situate a desk. You don’t necessarily need a large, open wall — sometimes cozy spots work best. If your child has a loft bed, use the space below to create a mini office. If you have an unused nook, get a desk that fits and designate that spot as your child’s school homework station. If you create a spot that’s comfortable for your kids, they’ll want to go there. With that said, remember that …

It’s All About Location

Ideally, your child’s homework spot will have plenty of natural light and be situated in a quiet part of your home. The goal is for your child to focus on his or her homework — not get distracted by siblings, television, or general comings and goings. If your home feels as busy as DFW Airport, situate your homework station away from all the hustle and bustle.

Keep Supplies Close at Hand

When your children settle in with their work, don’t make them hunt for pencils, erasers, calculators, graph paper, and any other supplies they may need. Corral everything in one spot using pencil cups, trays, and shelves. To make the homework station more appealing to young scholars, look for organization accessories in bright, fun colors — like these.

Creating a productive study area for your child is critical to his or her academic success. The good news is that it doesn’t take a lot of extra space (or effort) to create the ultimate homework zone in your home. Put some of the above tips into play and watch the good grades roll in this semester.


Audrey Sellers
Audrey Sellers

Audrey Sellers is an award-winning, Dallas-based writer and editor with a background in marketing and promotions. She’s a former magazine editor turned blogger who’s a pro at crafting all kinds of engaging content: blog posts, case studies, feature stories, social media content, and more. When her fingers aren’t flying on her laptop, she’s busy not relaxing with her husband and two young kids.

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