Bacteria and toys are a scary, but common, combination. Keep your kids safe with these simple cleaning tips and tricks for their most beloved toys.
In February 2015, Lego replaced Ferrari as the “World’s most powerful brand.” (Brand Finance) Knowing this, chances are if you have children, then you also have plenty of legos laying around your house. To keep these little pieces of plastic germ-free simply toss them in a garment bag and into the washing machine or dish washer.

Teddy Bear
Is your child’s Teddy beary dirty? Get rid of scary bacteria by giving Mr. Bear a quick bath in your washing machine. The perfect time to do this is while your child is at school. Have a teddy with batteries? Try these tips.

Bath Toys
Rub a dub dub…let’s get rid of that dirty crud! Wet bath toys can become grimy with mold. Make sure your kid’s are having clean fun by washing these toys often. The cleaning pros from The Maids® suggest using bleach. “Simply allow the toys to soak in a bleach bath overnight. To make, mix ¾ cup of bleach with one gallon of water. Rinse toys with water multiple times then allow to air-dry. The bleach will evaporate and all you’ll be left with are clean toys!”

Having a cleaning tip or trick for your children’s toys? Please share with us in the comments below.
moms don’t like bleach…use thieves instead…