DoorBot: For Those With Really Popular Homes

I'm all about automating my home. Manage my DVR from my iPhone? Done. Adjust temperature from my tablet? Not a problem. Answering my front door while I'm away? Now that just sounds silly.

I’m all about automating my home. Manage my DVR from my iPhone? Done. Adjust temperature from my tablet? Not a problem. Answering my front door while I’m away? Now that just sounds silly.

Well the folks at Doorbot think that there’s demand for this. The Doorbot device let’s you see and respond to anyone at your front door through your smartphone. If you’re like me you might be wondering why on earth anyone would need this? Obviously, you’re not as popular as some people.

I guess if the FedEx guy is ringing the doorbell this might come in handy around the holidays. You could instruct him to leave the package by the door or even around back instead of having to deal with going to one of those shipping facilities to pick it up later.

I question the security issues involved with something like this. Aren’t you basically telling people you’re not home? But then again I guess we do the same thing when we check in on Foursquare or share vacation pics on Facebook.

The DoorBot is available on for $199. Let us know if you’d be interested in a DoorBot in the comments.

Updated on 11/13

So the creator of DoorBot came across this post and shared some insightful comments that has put some new light on the potential uses for DoorBot. Here’s what he had to say:

I think that you are not looking at the main use case for the device. Over 70% of our customers buy the DoorBot for security. Security is a few things.

1. Being able to answer the door and appear as home when you are even half way around the world.

2. Being able to answer the door inside the house without having to go to the door and confront the visitor. This is a big one for my wife. When she is home alone she loves this feature.

3. Recording visitors that come to your front door. Most crime is done during the day when no one is home. DoorBot is perfectly positioned to capture this. (This feature is rolling out in about 1 month).

Valid points. I may have to give DoorBot a second look.

David Marine
David Marine

Husband. Father. Socializer. Mets Lifer. TV Aficionado. Consumer Engager. David Marine is the Chief Marketing Officer at Coldwell Banker, where he oversees the brand’s marketing efforts and content strategy including acting as managing editor for the Coldwell Banker blog and heading up video production efforts. While CMO by day, David runs a three ring circus at night as he is the father of 4 boys. He also happens to be married to Wonder Woman. True story.


  1. David, first of all thanks for the post. However I think that you are not looking at the main use case for the device. Over 70% of our customers buy the DoorBot for security. Security is a few things.

    1. Being able to answer the door and appear as home when you are even half way around the world.

    2. Being able to answer the door inside the house without having to go to the door and confront the visitor. This is a big one for my wife. When she is home alone she loves this feature.

    3. Recording visitors that come to your front door. Most crime is done during the day when no one is home. DoorBot is perfectly positioned to capture this. (This feature is rolling out in about 1 month).

    Anyway I did enjoy your piece as even while you did call my product silly, in the end I think that you even came around to the fact that it might be something that has some value.

    Also if you want to get the full DoorBot pitch watch Shark Tank this Friday night.

    Jamie, Inventor

    1. Jamie, really appreciate the insight. Didn’t even think of it from the security angle but you’re right. My wife would love the not having to go to the door feature. I do love me some Shark Tank so I’ll look for DoorBot on the show. Let me know if you’re ok with me adding your comment here into the body of the post to make sure readers don’t miss these details. Thanks for the comment.

    2. Two Questions Jamie:

      Can you create the body of this device to naturally embed in the door frame, similarly to doorbells currently, to deter theft?

      Can you make this compatible with electronic door locks like “Lockitron” so it can open the door as well?

      1. Mark we have thought about that design. For now we only have the 1 design, we do however guarantee the product against theft.

        It is already compatible with Lockitron and we will be adding other locks very quickly.

  2. I think the doorbot is an excellent choice for home owners. It doesnt seem to have an integrated relay for door control. Again, as its due for the home market, I guess this isnt really needed. Also a good point on security, when you answer the call, the visitor doesnt know where you are… Unless he hears ( Was it a pint of Stella sir ? ) as you answer the call in your local restaurant :-). My other point on security, how effective is a camera at eye level ? Its not going to capture the full area. Like i say this is great for home use. For business use, we tend to install Castel or CyberData. We use a Cisco hosted platform Cisco Door Entry Phone by The Endpoint Warehouse . ” different applications though. One for the home market, one for business enterprise.

    Good read though


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