Get Prepared for Winter in NYC

It's hard to believe, but winter is just around the corner. Of course, that means cold temperatures and snow will be here soon, too. Don't wait for the temperature to drop before you prepare. These tips will get you prepared for winter in NYC now!

It’s hard to believe, but winter is just around the corner. Of course, that means cold temperatures and snow will be here soon, too. Don’t wait until the temperature drops. These tips will get you prepared for winter in NYC now!

Ready Your Home

We spend so much time in our cozy apartments during winter; now’s the time to get it winter ready.

When it comes to winterizing your NYC home, simple changes will make a big impact.

  • Remove your air-conditioning unit, if possible, and check for drafty windows.
  • Replace missing or dried out caulking and add curtains, shades, or other coverings (in winter, you’ll want to keep your curtains open during the day to let heat in and closed at night to prevent warm air from escaping).
  • Before it gets too cold, wash your windows, if needed. Winter weather will freeze window cleaner.
  • If you have bare hardwood or other solid surface flooring, consider adding rugs; your feet will appreciate it on chilly mornings.
  • Clear furniture and anything else that blocks your radiators. Prevent dry air by adding a humidifier or two.

Are you in charge of your home’s plumbing and/or mechanical systems? Have a technician check everything to make sure it’s running smoothly — and do it now, because prices go up as the temperature falls. You should also consult Con Ed: They offer winter energy-saving advice, and they can even set up level billing for the winter months, helping you to unpleasant billing surprises.

Don’t forget the exterior of your home:

  • If you have a balcony or patio, clear any drains.
  • Replace worn-out shovels and purchase de-icer or gravel.
  • Schedule maintanance workers at this time, too.

Get Prepared for Winter in NYC: Home

Image Source: Flickr

Prepare for a Big Storm

If this winter is anything like the last one, New Yorkers should expect a few big storms.

Start preparing for a storm before winter even begins by updating your household disaster plan. You’ll want to consider alternate power sources, emergency contacts, and more. Remember to review the plan with your family or roommates, too.

NYC’s city government advises residents to be prepared for up to three days without power. Chances are this won’t happen, but if it does, your cupboards should be stocked with ample food, plenty of water, candles, and working flashlights. Make sure you have enough blankets, and store them in an accessible location.

Do you have elderly or isolated friends, family, or neighbors? They’re at the greatest risk during a storm, so make sure to stop by or call them when harsh weather strikes.

Get Prepared for Winter in NYC: Snow Storm

Image Source: Flickr

Don’t Forget Your Car

If you own a car, you’ll want to get it ready for winter in NYC.

Schedule your car for a tune-up. The mechanic should check the tires, brakes, and windshield wipers, do an oil change and add a winter motor oil, replace worn out filters, and replenish fluids.

Create a winter safety kit filled with snacks, water, shovels, boots, blankets, and a first-aid kit. Store it in your trunk. Make sure your gas tank is always full, too.

If you park on the street, watch the news for alternate side parking suspensions during storms. For the least amount of hassle, park your car in a garage during or after the storm.

Get Prepared for Winter in NYC: Car

Image Source: Flickr/Jason Kuffer

Are you ready for cold weather? Keep these tips in mind when preparing your home and car for winter in NYC.

Main Image Source: Flickr/Ralph Hockens


Ginnie Leeming
Ginnie Leeming

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