Apps That Make Going Green Fun

By now many of us have eagerly (or not so eagerly) joined the “green” bandwagon. If you are like me then you’ve made changes to...

The Next TV in Your Home Will Not Be Smart But a...

Smart TVs have been talked about for years. Two years ago I was at the Consumer Electronics Show where it was the latest and greatest home...

Why the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show is a Look...

Sci-fi movies and The Jetsons cartoon would have us believe that the future home is minimalistic in nature. Scenes of these home in the future...

5 Great Home Apps for the Holidays

At some point over the next week or so you'll probably be spending some more time at home than usual, and it's quite possible that your home will be...

Can a Video Game System Change Your Home?

There's a common complaint from many people out there today that video games are somehow bad for you. Well Microsoft is looking to prove that the...

The Demolition of Virtual Bricks and Mortar

I’m really torn. Coldwell BankerĀ® is about to launch what we think will be the best real estate website in the industry.Ā  This site will have...