real estate
Real Estate Headlines for Tuesday Morning
Yes, normally this blog post is reserved for Monday morning, but an extended weekend down the real Jersey shore has it delayed until the surprisingly...
The Great American Comeback of Grand Rapids...
Remember back in June when Newsweek declared that Grand Rapids was a dying city? Remember when they fought back with an incredible video that...
How a Celebrity Moves Into a New Home
Okay, good movers hate to drop things but I’m going to drop a few names to prove I’m legit. Our client list would make the top Hollywood Agents...
Real Estate Headlines for Monday Morning
August is the most popular month for vacations, but it's also one of the most popular months for moving as people try to get situated before school...
Real Estate Headlines for First Monday in August
Welcome to August everyone. The dog days of summer are upon us and you're sure to start seeing back to school commercials in the next week. There is...
Two Coldwell Banker Homes for Sale Inspired by...
There are few architects as well known inAmericaas Frank Lloyd Wright, and “wrightfully” so! (Pun intended). Having designed structures like...