Renting vs. Owning: Should I Rent or Buy a Home?

In this segment of our renting vs. owning series we are looking at renting a decent-sized home versus purchasing a decent-sized home. Specifically we...

Renting vs. Owning: Apartment vs. Condo/Townhouse

Starting off the debate over renting vs. owning, the focus will be on the single audience. Here, the targets are not romantically involved in any...

Renting vs. Owning: An Introduction

With the economy returning back to pre-2008 levels, the conversation of renting vs. owning homes has returned to the forefront. A lot of families who...

7 Things to Look For in a Real Estate Broker

Whether you're renting or buying in the city, chances are you're going to be working with a real estate broker. Here are seven things you should look...

To Buy Or To Rent A Home? Four Financial and...

“To buy or to rent?” Recent graduates, young couples, relocating professionals and others have all asked themselves this question at one point or...
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