Name: Michael Fischer
Directions: Ohio born, Jersey raised, NYC, LA and Nashville cultured.
Family Room: Father of 3 teen aged daughters.  Married a saint.  Oh, and a beagle.
Study: Rutgers U undergrad and Anderson School at UCLA for MBA.  Better weather in Westwood.  Better food in New Brunswick.
Office: Chief Operating Officer at Coldwell Banker Real Estate, LLC.  Worked as CMO prior and found a great home in real estate after living in the car business for 20 years.
Garage: Very amateur do it your self-er.  Love my tools.
Kitchen: Always fresh fruit, anything on the grill.  Cold ones in the ‘fridge!
Backyard: Pool time!  Dad has his own “floaty.”
Social: Follow me @jerseyfisch and on Facebook, Just don’t ask any questions about me to my high school and college friends…