3 Ways to Monster Proof a Child’s Room

Have a monster problem? Not anymore!

Nighttime can be frightening for children. With scary closets, darkness and the unknown of what is going on under their bed one can understand why kids fear all that goes bump in the night. Lucky for them, their super mom/dad is reading this article and will have all the tools they need to banish those icky nighttime nuisances.

Step One: Always Have a Bottle of Monster Spray Handy

Monster spray is one of the easiest solutions for creating a safe room. You can spray the room for your kids or leave it on their nightstand for when they need it. (The latter guarantees a few more hours of sleep so we suggest teaching them how to use it.) Monster spray can be purchased or made from scratch.

Buy Monster Repellent Spray Here

Learn How to Make Monster Spray from Happy Hooligans

DIY Monster Spray

Step Two: Give Your Child a Monster Repellent Blanket

They call it a security blanket for good reason. Blankets have forever been a great way to provide psychological comfort to your child and their soothing magic can certainly be used when it comes to monsters. Not only will this blanket keep them safe while in bed but if they fear getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom or to get a drink of water they can wear it as a cape for additional protection.

Monster Blanket

Step Three: Banish Monster Fears with Books and Movies

When it comes to monsters, all a child has to fear is fear itself. Try to pinpoint where they have seen or heard about monsters and combat it with books and movies that make them friends instead of fiends or completely dispel the idea of them. For starters consider Monsters Inc., The Monster at the End of this Book by Sesame Street and Bedtime Monsters.

Have experience in getting rid of monsters in your home? What tricks have worked for you?


Lindsay Listanski
Lindsay Listanski

Lindsay is the the Director of Media Engagement for Coldwell Banker Real Estate and manages the brand’s media and social media department. She is also a licensed real estate professional. In 2017 & 2018, she was named a top 20 social influencer in the real estate industry in the annual Swanepoel 200 power rankings. Lindsay lives in Livingston, NJ with her college sweetheart and now husband Joe and rwelcomed another Joe into her life as she became a mom in June 2016.

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