From remotes and magazines scattered across the table to entertainment center overload, it is easy to get carried away with all the things we pack into our living rooms. Here are 3 simple steps to help you to declutter your space.
Hide Cords on a Wall Mounted TV
A mounted flat screen is a simple way to up your living room’s cool factor but if there are cords running down your wall it may make the room appear sloppy. Follow this easy DIY from to learn how to make cords disappear.
Invest in Doubly Duty Decor
Furniture with built in storage is a must for a rooms that feels cluttered. Here are 12 pretty and practical pieces from Bob Vila.
Get Picky about Pictures
Part of making a house a home is sharing pictures of our loved ones and favorite memories. However, too many picture frames can overcrowd a room. Consider these options…
A Gallery Wall
Instead of having pictures scattered through out the room create one focal point that shows off your favorite pictures. Apartment Therapy has great tips on how to create a gallery wall on a budget.
Shutterfly Books
If you’d prefer your pictures to live somewhere other than Facebook but can’t find room for them Shutterfly books are a great option. You can throw one on your coffee table or stack them on shelves. Order one now and get 40% off.
Thanks Lindsay, these are all great ideas put into action. Before I got to the ‘action’ stage I had a heart to heart with myself and the family. We decided that every 6 months or so we would examine the clutter that was new. Each member had a choice to either toss it, put it into short or long term storage or take it to their room.
I was tired of de cluttering everytime we had a dinner party.
The process has worked… not w/o some energetic discussions but it is a process. I remind myself that Rome was not built in a day.
That is a great way to tackle decluttering. I love that you have a process!