Pinterest Home Mythbusters #1: DIY Natural Home Deodorizer

New Pinterest Wins and Fails Series

Pinterest has become the Google of the home tips, tricks and decor ideas. Like countless others, my boards are filled with mouth water recipes, holiday decor ideas and stunning outfits that I would have never thought of putting together.

The sad part? I would say about 90% of what I pin I never actually make, cook or buy simply because I don’t have the time.

Sound familiar?

Now that I have officially been a homeowner for one year I have decided to take on a minimum of one Pinterest project a month. It’s time to break out the super glue, finally try my crockpot and even test out some of those “natural” cleaning tips.” I will keep you updated and let you know about my Pinterest victories, fails (I’m sure there will be a few) and discoveries. You can follow along here on Blue Matter or on my Pinterest board.

Project #1: Vanilla Rosemary Lemon Simmer

To start kick off my Pinterest mythbusters series I decided to start with a very popular and very easy project. If searching for home ideas is your hobby then I can almost guarantee you have come across the “Vanilla Rosemary and Lemon” simmer which guarantees to leave your home smelling heavenly.

Seriously it’s everywhere!

pinterest rosemary lemon vanilla


The instructions are super easy…

  1. Fill a pot of water (about 2/3)
  2. Add 1 Lemon (sliced)
  3. Throw in a few sprigs of fresh rosemary
  4. Add 1-2 tsp of vanilla extract
  5. Simmer all day (add water as needed)

I threw the ingredients in and went about my Sunday cleaning occasionally stopping into the kitchen to take in the aroma. I even posted about it and was surprised by how many others who had wondered if this lemony concoction was all it is cracked up to be.


The Verdict

Fail. I was really disappointed with the outcome. Now, it is important to of course note that everyone has difference preferences when it comes to scents and smells. For me, this scent just didn’t deliver. My husband walked into the kitchen and told me there was no way he was eating whatever I was cooking. (haha) He was happy when I explained what I was doing and agreed with me that the smell wasn’t as pleasant as one would expect and that he preferred the orange peel/cinnamon simmer that I normally do.

Here is the recipe for the orange peel recipe I use from Apartment Therapy:

Peel from 1 lemon
Peel from 1 orange
2 bay leaves
3 cinnamon sticks
2 Tablespoons whole cloves


Have you been wondering about a pin you saw? Leave a link in the comments and I might choose it for my next blog post!



  1. I tried the orange, lemon, apple, cloves, cinnamon, allspice combo I keep seeing on Pinterest for the crockpot and…….FAIL!! You would think with all that going in it would smell good but there was very little smell if any. I went back to just plain cinnamon sticks and water in the crockpot and that works wonders!

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