Jim Gillespie: Remembering His Second Sale

The ultimate goal for most of us is to find a job we enjoy in an industry we like. We want to make money and have a fair shot to advance and find...

Real Estate Headlines for Monday Morning

Ah, Monday morning. The weekend is over and it's back to work. With all that goes on in a weekend sometimes you miss an interesting headline or two...

Forbes Video: Realtors vs Technology

Recently, Coldwell Banker CEO, Jim Gillespie, sat down with Forbes to do an interview in a segment that Forbes called "Realtors vs. Technology." As...

A Look at the 2011 Real Estate Market

Coldwell Banker CEO, Jim Gillespie, was interviewed on Fox News yesterday to talk about the state of the current real estate market.

It’s All About Trust

I spent a large part of my day with an amazing group of Coldwell Banker agents who came to our corporate office to provide us with a sense of the...

Buying a Home in a Down Market

Coldwell Banker CEO and fellow Blue Matter blogger, Jim Gillespie, sat down with ABCNews today to talk about the advantages of buying a home in...