Thanks for Giving Us the Memories

Join the Coldwell Banker Home Office family as we share our most cherished memories from Thanksgivings past and look forward to happy times ahead.

Every third Thursday in November, families gather in homes across the country to look back at the past year to give thanks and reflect on everything we are fortunate to have.  On that day, the kitchen comes alive bright and early preparing for the day’s many courses; the family room and den features parades and football traditions; and the rest of the house is warmed by the arrival of friends and family.  As we get closer to Thanksgiving 2016, our family at the Coldwell Banker Home Office wanted to share our favorite memories in the hopes it would bring up your own memories and starts conversations at the Turkey Table!

1.)  What have you been most thankful for this year?

Tori Keichinger, Manager of Brand Engagement

My husband.  Getting married and purchasing our first home together has given a whole new meaning to family traditions.  I look forward to all of the new memories we will make as our own little family.

Alexandra:  My new husband!  We just got married in October and it’s been so exciting starting this next chapter of our lives together.

David:  It feels like I’m thankful for this every year, but I’m truly thankful for the health and safety of my family this year. I travel a lot and their safety and well being are pretty much at the top of my prayers so another year of their being well is something I can always be thankful for.

Carla: Getting to know all my new colleagues at Coldwell Banker!

Lindsay: There aren’t enough words in the world to express how grateful I am that my family is growing! My husband and I are expecting our little one’s arrival in June. We recently “Let the Cat Out of the Bag” on Facebook!


2.)  Are there traditions you look forward to each year in the home where you celebrate Thanksgiving?

Lindsay Listanski, Senior Manager, Media Engagement

I look forward to our annual toast. I love listening to the one moment each person in our family was extra thankful for.

Tori:  The inevitable dance party that ensues while we do the dishes.  My sister turns on some music as we clean up and the kitchen turns into an impromptu dance floor. There is always at least one broken wine glass by the end of it all.

Carla: Mulled cider and LOTS of pie.

Alexandra:  I always love Thanksgiving morning with my family.  We enjoy a light breakfast and mimosas while watching the Macy’s Day parade.

3.)  What is the one Thanksgiving delicacy you can’t go without?

David Marine, Vice President of Brand Engagement

Bacon-wrapped jalapeno tater tots. My sister-in-law, Erin, introduced me to this appetizer a few years ago and I’ve requested it every year since. It’s basically a tater tot and a jalapeno wrapped together in bacon. Fried in pan and then served with a ranch dipping sauce. It’s the perfect snack for that noon NFL game to hold you over until Thanksgiving dinner kicks off later in the day.

Jalepeno wrapped bacon

Carla: Stuffing (eaten with cranberry jelly!)

Alexandra:  Sweet potatoes topped with melted marshmallows!

Lindsay: My mom’s cranberry sauce. OUT of this world good!

4.)  If you could invite anyone from history to your Thanksgiving dinner, who would that person be and why?

Carla Hayes, Senior Manager, Marketing Communications

WOAH – hard question… does a writer count as someone from history.. probably not. It would be Kurt Vonnegut though because I think a conversation between him and my father-in-law would be crazy… fictional character would be “The Dude”… historic figure… Gandhi.. I dunno.

Alexandra:  Does Don Draper count?  I would invite him.  I don’t think my husband would mind too much.

Tori:  Julia Child.  Can you imagine how delicious that meal would be?

Lindsay: I would invite Mother Teresa. I absolutely love everything that she stood for and would be honored to share a meal with her.

David:  As a huge sports fan, I would love to have Thanksgiving dinner with Michael Jordan. Why? One, he’s the greatest athlete I’ve ever seen. Two, I’d think he would have some amazing stories to share especially about what went on with that legendary 1992 Olympic “Dream Team.” And three, I want to play HORSE against him after dinner.

5.)  What is one thing you would like to accomplish in the next year that you can be thankful for during Thanksgiving 2016?

Alexandra Filiaci, Social Media and Content Specialist

I’d love to move to a bigger place and get a puppy!  Hopefully at this time next year at least one of those things will have happened!

From the way Alexandra squishes her family’s dog when she visits her parents, it’s clear she needs one of her own!

Tori:  To explore a new part of the world. While I’m thankful for all I have at home, I’m also grateful there is a new adventure always waiting to be discovered.

Lindsay:  My biggest accomplishment next year that I KNOW I will be thankful for is delivering a happy and healthy baby. Can’t wait to start decorating the nursery!

David: I’d like to accomplish being a better listener. I’m not sure it’s something I would remember to be thankful for next year, but whether it’s at work, at home, with the kids or wherever I think if I can listen rather than just hear it would help me be a better worker, husband and father. 


No matter where you end up this Thursday, when the house is filled with love, family and friends, it is home.  We at Coldwell Banker wish you a safe, happy and food filled Thanksgiving!  


Header image via Flickr user vxla

Sam Shalom
Sam Shalom

Sam is the Content and Multimedia Specialist for Coldwell Banker Real Estate. He is Jersey born and bred, and currently resides in Weehawken, NJ. He is an avid reader, loves Games of Thrones and is a New York Yankees die-hard. You can follow him on Twitter @World_Shalom

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