Typically, I like my homes with a foundation and piece of land around it. But I have to say, this mobile home from NonStandard.At is unbelievable.
Touted as a custom design camper, the Mehrzeller is far from your ordinary double wide. Using modern design and sophisticated technology, the Mehrzeller can be turned into a tailor-made living space. It’s got room for a kitchen, living space, bedroom and modern amenities.
It also has a very futuristic feel to it both inside and out. To me it look like a cross between an arctic hideout and the layer of a James Bond villain. In either case, I’m interested. Think about it. It has almost everything a regular home can offer (except some more rooms) and you can take it with you. Maybe it’s better off as a vacation home? I think I’m onto something here.
Check out the full set of photos and details at Mehrzeller.com.
Image courtesy of Mehrzeller.com
So…. same as a regular camper except less aerodynamic and lots of funky angles? GG
When you put it that way…I guess so. LOL.