Today, 12/12/12, superstitious couples around the world are rejoicing as they tie the knot and take part in a mass wedding craze on the last triple date of most of our lifetimes. (The next one will be 1/1/2101) In fact, according to David’s Bridal, an estimated 7,500 couples across the U.S. will get married today. So what better way to celebrate this special occasion than 12 ways to say I Do to wedding home decor?!
A wedding day is a day you will always remember and for many, with the exception of the birth of a child, it is the greatest in anyone’s life. A wedding day can also feel like one of the fastest in your lifetime. After months of preparing, this 24 hour day is a whirlwind of celebrating, picture taking and spending time with loved ones. It is a day that many wish could be frozen in time to be lived over and over again. While we all know this is impossible there are many creative ways to incorporate this special day into your home decor that go beyond displaying your wedding picture on the wall.
The picture above is from my wedding day. Instead of having a guestbook we had our guests write notes to us on this framed piece of art and it has become one of my most favorite items in our home. (Yes I got married 9/10/11…my husband has no excuse to forget our anniversary with a simple date like that!) Whether you are engaged as a bride (or husband) to be, happily married for years or just looking for a fun anniversary gift for a favorite couple here are a few ideas that will help the memory of a wedding day live on forever.
Frame Your Love
Not sure what to give your loved one for their anniversary? Framing wedding vows is a great way to remind each other of the promise you made to each other on your wedding day.
Don’t be so quick to hide your veil in a box in the attic. Cut out a small piece and frame it. Etsy user jensdreamdecor suggests using this as an earring and jewelry holder but it can also be used as a backdrop for a special picture from the big day.
Unless you are part of the Adams Family dead flowers are generally not something you want to display in your home. However, when framed in a shadow box along with other special mementos including invitations, photos and jewelry, preserved wedding flowers can be quite beautiful.
Framed wedding lyrics are a simple but beautiful way to add one of the most special moments of a wedding night to home decor. Unlike some of the other ideas this one is something that can be done right after the wedding or several years later.
Show Off That Wedding Dress
Ladies let’s face it. This is the one article of clothing that we have been dreaming about since the age of 5, does it really deserve to be left in the back of your closet never to see the light of day again? NO! Poster Frame says it best, “Maybe it was the number of miles you sweated to fit into that dress, the hours of overtime you worked to pay for it or the look on his face when you appeared at the end of the aisle, but you should be proud of that dress.” While this may not be appropriate living room decor consider hanging this in your make up room or a walk in closet.
Holiday Decor
They say rain on a wedding day is good luck but I say they say this to avoid a total bridezilla meltdown. Regardless of the luck factor, If it does happen to shower on your big day ask someone to collect a sample of the rain. Flickr user omam saved rain from their wedding day to make a recycled light bulb ornament for their Christmas tree.
Having a winter wedding? Ask guests to sign holiday ornaments that way you can be sure to read their kind words each year. I guarantee you will read these more often than you would if they were in a traditional guestbook.
A close friend posted this photo on her Facebook page this week. This ornament contains her wedding invitation and is one of her favorite holiday decorations. Lovely!
Cheers to Love
If you are still planning your wedding consider setting out 5 wine bottles for guests to sign and save the bottles to drink on your 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th wedding anniversaries.
Save your corks! Keep all the corks from the wine at your wedding and make into a DIY art piece! This is perfect for a dining room or kitchen as a cork board.
Display Your Unity
A popular wedding trend for couples is opting to have a sand ceremony during their wedding. They often have two separate colors of sand and have a special meaning for the vase they pour their color into. For some this is a way to incorporate a priest, child or the unity of their spirits. Whether you have sand from a unity ceremony or just got married on the beach, this vase set from shore chic is a beautiful way to show off your unity.
Do you have elements of your wedding in your home decor or know someone who is getting married today, on 12/12/12? Let us know about it!
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