What is Depersonalization? Stage Your Home to Appeal To Buyers

What is depersonalization? Depersonalization involves creating a home that is inviting to a wide range of potential buyers. Your ultimate goal is to help the potential buyer visualize his or her new home in the house you're selling.

Have you wondered, What is depersonalization? Also called staging, depersonalization involves creating a home that is inviting to a wide range of potential buyers. Your ultimate goal is to help the potential buyer visualize his or her new home in the house you’re selling. To effectively entice buyers, you want to remove anything in your house that would not appeal to another person. Keep in mind that your house will ultimately end up as someone else’s home and that person will have his own unique style and personal touches to add.


By removing personal items such as pictures and framed degrees along with utilizing neutral colors, it is much easier for home buyers to see how their own furniture and personal style would mesh with the house they are viewing. For example, vivid colors may only appeal to a few buyers. But by placing neutral-colored throw pillows on your couch and having complementary wall colors and window treatments, you create an inviting space for people of all tastes, from traditional to contemporary. For specifics on “what is depersonalization?” and how to incorporate this concept into your selling strategy, consider using some of the techniques provided below.


This should go without saying: Have your home thoroughly cleaned before showing it. A clean home is much more inviting and appealing to potential buyers than a home with dust, clutter, and dirt. Be sure to tidy up every morning or evening. For example, unwashed dishes in the sink, an unmade bed, and dirty laundry overflowing in a laundry basket are unappealing to potential buyers.

Extra Touches

  • Make sure the trashcans are empty and the toilet lids are down. Remember to stow away grooming items such as toothbrushes and shaving kits.
  • Turn on some lights. In rooms without windows or rooms with heavy drapes, turn on lamps and recessed lights. An adequately lit home is warm and comforting to buyers.
  • Place flower arrangements in communal spaces such as kitchens, living rooms, and dining rooms. Fresh flowers bring a cozy, earthy feel into a home without being too personal.
  • Consider using mild air fresheners throughout your home, especially near trashcans, pet areas, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. Avoid overpowering fragrances, though, as they may distract buyers.

By depersonalizing your home and appealing to a broad range of buyers, you increase the likelihood of receiving a viable offer and decrease the likelihood that your home will sit on the market for an extended period.


Lindsey Chamberlain


  1. […] Browse current listings in your area and make note of any appealing images. Chances are, they will project a light and airy space, with no clutter or personal knick-knacks. These images allow a buyer to picture themselves — and their things — in your home. This is the much-touted concept of depersonalization. […]

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