Outstanding Home in a Drama Series: Breaking Bad

In continuing our look at homes featured in the 2012 Emmy's Outstanding Drama nominees, today we come to Breaking Bad. AMC's Breaking Bad is quickly becoming the most talked about show online. It consistently ranks at the top of socially mentioned shows, but one part of the show is often overlooked: the White house. No not that White house. The one located in Albuquerque, New Mexico that is the home of Breaking Bad's central character, Walter White.

In continuing our look at homes featured in the 2013 Emmy’s Outstanding Drama nominees, today we come to Breaking Bad. AMC’s Breaking Bad is quickly becoming the most talked about show online. It consistently ranks at the top of socially mentioned shows, but one part of the show is often overlooked: the White house. No not that White house. The one located in Albuquerque, New Mexico that is the home of Breaking Bad’s central character, Walter White.

Breaking Bad house
Poolside at the White Residence

The home of Walter and Skyler White is an actual residence in Albuquerque, NM located at 3828 Piermont Dr. although the address used on the show is 308 Negra Arroyo Lane. The story line of the show reveals that the Whites bought the home when Skylar was still pregnant with Walt Jr. and it’s a place Walter was never really a fan of but has since come to call it home.

The place features 3 bedrooms and a pool in the backyard. Plus it has tons of places to hide cash for your secret drug business. According to Breaking Bad Wikia, money has been hid in the master bedroom, inside ducts in the baby’s room, in the garage behind insulation and of course the crawl space beneath the floor boards. The crawl space has also acted as a way to get into the house when you’re locked out, as Walt did when Skylar locked him out.

While it’s not the most luxurious of homes on TV, it is one of the most realistic. According to coldwellbanker.com a similar home to that of Walter & Skyler White with 3 beds and a pool in the backyard would cost you about $170,000.

Of course not every home you come across will have the unique features of the home of the infamous Heisenberg. What place has had gasoline poured all over the family room, or the poisonous to digest Lily of the Valley growing in the backyard or even pizza on the roof of the garage? Yes, the residence of Walter White is a one of a kind home. While flash forward images from Season 5’s final batch of episode make it appear that the home is condemned, we’re hoping there’s a way it can be salvaged.

Perhaps we better call Saul…

To go beyond the White’s home and see another homes featured on Breaking Bad check out this video tour of the set used for Jesse’s house:


Images courtesy of WikiMapia

David Marine
David Marine

Husband. Father. Socializer. Mets Lifer. TV Aficionado. Consumer Engager. David Marine is the Chief Marketing Officer at Coldwell Banker, where he oversees the brand’s marketing efforts and content strategy including acting as managing editor for the Coldwell Banker blog and heading up video production efforts. While CMO by day, David runs a three ring circus at night as he is the father of 4 boys. He also happens to be married to Wonder Woman. True story.


  1. The missus and I spent a half-day in ABQ doing a Breaking Bad tour on the way of our Grand Canyon vacation a couple years ago. We planned to discreetly park across the street from the residence to snap a couple of pictures & bounce, but when we turned on the street we saw (no kidding) a Batmobile replica parked out front, and several people gathered around talking. Turns out, the owners of the home were out talking to the Batmobile folks, who were looky-loos like us. The owners were extraordinarily gracious folks. VERY patient. But they do ask that folks don’t try & enter their home. Seems that some have actually tried to do that. We didn’t take up too much of their time before we headed on over to Saul’s office. (If you go there, get lunch at the Whole Hog… great BBQ!) As you can see from my avatar, we visited a chicken joint in ABQ, too. 😉

  2. Forgot this. I didn’t get a good shot of both the house & the car… wish I had!!

    Apparently I can’t post pics?

  3. Here’s “Rebecca Simmons'” house… the lil old lady Walt called to check on the house when the hitmen were in there.

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