5 Ways to Make Mornings Easier with Iris by Lowe’s

Iris from Lowe's will not only help you start your day on the right foot, it'll make your home smarter and much more efficient.

The alarm rudely wakes you up at 6AM, prompting you to shake the cobwebs off and get yourself fed, showered, clothed and ready to head out to work in time for your 9 o’clock meeting. Oh, and you’ve also got to get the kids ready for school… Don’t forget to walk the dog too!

Mornings are great, but they can also be incredibly hectic when everyone in your house is rushing to get ready for the day ahead. Renowned Life Hacker Tim Ferriss once said that “Your morning routine will determine your success for your day and your life.” Iris by Lowe’s can help make your mornings run smoother, and make your entire home run more efficiently.

 Iris streamlines home management and puts power at your fingertips by connecting your Iris compatible smart devices through a single app. There, you can control and monitor each of them.”

Our very own Alexandra Filiaci spoke with Teri Mason from Lowe’s while we were at CES to get the low down on Iris and how it can make your mornings easier and more pleasant. Take a look at our interview below, and be sure to visit ces.coldwellbanker.com for all our coverage from the 2016 Consumer Electronics Show.

Gustavo Gonzalez
Gustavo Gonzalez

Senior Manager, Content & Multimedia at Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. In his role he manages content strategy and execution across several platforms. He’s held other roles within the Marketing Department ranging from Previews & Product Development to the day to day management of the coldwellbanker.com redesign. Besides being a marketer, Gustavo is a filmmaker, musician and writer.

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