Best of Gen Blue Day Two

Highlights from the second day of the 2019 Gen Blue Experience®

Today marks the second day of Gen Blue, and with the event in full force there is plenty of activity happening at the MGM Grand. Here is your recap of day two. 

Learning Sessions: It was all about learning with a multitude of sessions held throughout the day and there was something for everyone whether an agent, team or broker. The sessions ranged from team building to lead generation, increasing production, and upping your social media game.

Here are highlights from just a few of the classes:

The Ultimate in Lead Generation and Conversion Plan: in this session, Travis Robertson broke down the myths of lead generation and conversion and showed agents exactly how to generate and convert leads effectively without resorting to ineffective scripts. This learning session was a must for any agent looking to learn how to generate a consistent, predictable lead flow and then convert them effectively.

Sell with Story:  Attendees found out the rest of the story behind one of Matthew Ferrara’s most insightful marketing moments featuring a man, a flute and a Manhattan sidewalk. Agents and broker/managers participated in the session to learn to retrain themselves to leave the data, stats and spreadsheets on the computer but set their marketing on fire with storytelling and copywriting techniques that set their personal marketing, listing presentations, social media, and video apart from the sea of sameness in the real estate industry.

Women in Leadership: Women leaders from the Coldwell Banker network shared their personal journeys, discussed the challenges they’ve faced, and shared the lessons they’ve learned along the way. Our very own Carla Hayes led the panel where they also discussed issues like the double bind that women face in business, being ready to say yes to the next opportunity, owning their success and the way that women in leadership can shape a company’s culture. This panel was designed for women who seek to expand their leadership opportunities and everyone who supports them.

Sean Carpenter led the Win It Before You’re in It – Ten Steps to Get the Listing Every Time session that taught agents how having a systematic plan of attack can make a big difference in getting their next client hiring them…at the right price…and the right commission.

Market Proof Your Business – 3 Strategies to Take Market Share Now! This session by Tom Ferry focused on how to generate more referrals through leading-edge techniques, more word of mouth calls through Social Media, and more direct business utilizing both classic and innovative marketing strategies. He also held the session Radical Scripting – 21 Scripts to Win More Business.

Social Media Marketing: Scott Shapiro from Facebook led the Facebook and Instagram Marketing: Open Floor Plan and Social Ad Engine session in which he laid out how agents can break down walls and effectively use Facebook and Instagram marketing to drive their business. Agents heard about industry trends that have changed the real estate buying process, the importance of mobile, and explored new and emerging solutions across Facebook and Instagram that can help them implement successful social marketing campaigns.

Success in the Luxury Market – Secrets of Top Luxury Agents (Panel): The Coldwell Banker brand’s Lauren Muehlethaler moderated the panel which featured panelists Jessica Edwards, Jade Mills, Ricardo Rodriguez, and Valentina Bodini. Agents had the opportunity to hear from the best and learn action steps to leverage the Global Luxury Program and move the needle on their luxury business.

The Source Marketplace and Trade show offered a unique combination top-notch education session, experiential brand booths, interactive and innovative expo zones and an unparalleled marketplace showcasing the latest products and services from over 50 of Realogy’s world-class partners

There was a lot to do, see, and learn at the Coldwell Banker booth.

The “ask an expert” section gave network members the opportunity to catch up on the latest and greatest technology from Coldwell Banker as well as Realogy ranging from the CBx suite all the way to Agent X and were able to participate in live demos.

Multiple presentations took place throughout the day at the booth including Social Ad Engine, Learning Platform, Agent X and CBU Course Catalogues.

The Global Luxury section of the booth gave network members the opportunity to see what the new Coldwell Banker Global Luxury® offices have to offer.

Tying in March Madness, there was a Hoops Experience in the booth which allowed participants to attempt to make a basketball shot. Sounds like fun, right? The experience also featured a professional photographer who captured the shots and a kiosk that turned the images into a framed GIF that participants could share.

Perhaps the biggest hit were the puppies, with guest appearance by Mr. Cooper, the adorable English Bulldog from the Coldwell Banker ad “Old Dog, New Dog”. Attendees who preregistered were able to participate in a photo-op with Mr. Cooper. But it didn’t end there, there were over a dozen puppies from local shelters that were up for adoption. Network members looking to unwind from all the excitement were able to play with the pups and, if they really hit it off, they could adopt one of them!

Stay tuned for a recap of the final day of the 2019 Generation Blue Experience.

Elizabeth Rosario
Elizabeth Rosario

Born in the Dominican Republic, Elizabeth cherishes the perspective gained through living in a different country which ignited her passion for travel. Having visited multiple countries, her interest in languages was kindled leading to formally studying French and Japanese while remaining fluent in her native tongue, Spanish. You will usually find Elizabeth reading avidly, creating arts and crafts, and working on her personal blog.

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