Home Decor
Don’t Throw Stones at This House
In 2012, Nick Olson and Lilah Horwitz quit their jobs and set off to build a glass cabin in the mountains of West Virginia. Nick, 27, is a...
How To: Transition Your Summer Patio to a Cozy...
Celebrate the harvest season by turning the back yard patio into a cozy fall retreat.
‘500 Days of Summer’ Inspired Home...
During a recent rainy fall weekend I re-watched the 2009 indie hit 500 Days of Summer starring Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon Levitt. Now that I...
Tumblr Founder & CEO Knows All About Modern...
Minimalist and ultra modern design seems to be all the rave these days but it can be easy to overdue the industrial elements and create a cold and...
How to Make a Kid Friendly Study Space
A blog post intended to help you transform a part of your home into a kid friendly work space.