Philadelphia Homes: Decor that Motivates and Inspires You

When you live in a high-energy city like Philadelphia, it’s not uncommon to fall into periods of feeling fatigued and also lacking motivation. Your home should be your main source of energy, strength and inspiration.

When you live in a high-energy city like Philadelphia, it’s not uncommon to fall into periods of feeling fatigued and also lacking motivation. Your home should be your main source of energy, strength, and inspiration. Here are some suggestions for home decor for Philadelphia homes that will motivate and inspire you.

Inspirational Colors

There are a number of colors that can inspire you and give you a boost when you’re lacking energy. Color theory is the idea that our brains respond to colors differently — some colors calm us while others excite and stimulate us. Focus on the following colors if you want to be motivated and inspired:

– Warm or soft blues and greens (calms you and helps you clear your mind)

– Vivid, daring shades of red and orange (excites and arouses your senses so that you can get work done)

– Cheery bright yellows (yellow is a happy and energizing color that often inspires feelings of hope)

Perfectly Placed Paintings

The wonderful thing about a painting is that it is a visual representation of the essence of the person who created it. Each brush stroke and color choice came from the loving hands and inspired mind of an artist. Adding the right artwork to your home decor can be extremely inspirational — especially when the art is positioned in the right places. Hang paintings by creative and inspiring local artists wherever you spend a lot of time sitting, working, or thinking.

Family Memories

If your parents, siblings, and extended family are a source of strength and encouragement for you, a wonderful way to add positive inspiration to your home decor is to fill it to the brim with family memories. Go out of your way to ensure that every room in your home has at least one picture depicting one of your favorite photos of family members or friends having a good time.

Dual-Function Furniture

If you want to get motivated to increase your productivity, set up your home with furniture and decorative items that serve a dual purpose. For instance, if you need motivation to work out more and get healthy, get a couch that is equipped with resistance bands at the back. When commercials come on or while watching TV, get up and do a few pulling reps behind your couch. If you have a problem getting motivated to get up and work in the morning, put a loft bed with a desk underneath in your bedroom.

Inspirational Wall Quotes

When life gets a bit confusing, the wise words of people from the past and present can often serve as motivation. Adorn every wall in your home with wall stickers containing an inspirational quote that you love. No matter where you look, you should be within eyeshot of a positive message.

There are times when you need a boost to get through your day, and even the smallest stimulus or bit of encouragement can help. Explore these decor ideas for Philadelphia homes to make your abode more inspiring and practical.


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