Weave The Basket Trick Into Your Spring Cleaning...
Finally, one simple trick to wake up to a clean home every morning: the basket.
How the Tooth Fairy Gets Into Your Home
At Coldwell Banker, we believe in the power of home and all the magical things that come with it...including the Tooth Fairy.
Your Home + Nike
You may be walking on your old sneakers with Nike's New future foam
Unique DIY Easter Crafts
Take a look at a few of the most unique, Easter themed, do-it-yourself projects I've ever seen.
Will Burying St. Joseph Help Sell Your Home?
I know this whole thing sounds a little odd and unconventional but the only way to find out if burying St. Joseph will help sell your home is to try...
Will Appealing to the Five Senses Help You Sell...
Whether you’re having an open house or allowing a private tour, while your house is on the market it will experience a lot of foot traffic....