5 Perfect Rooms to Curl Up in this Fall

Here are some other incredible "Fireplace Rooms," that we collected from our Pinterest page to showcase. Grab a cup of hot cider and enjoy!

The Walls of a Child’s Room

This summer I, along with the help of my father-in-law, completed the most complex wall hanging of my life. It was not a series of shelves for frames...

Infographic: The Psychology of Color at Home

Color plays a huge role in any home. It can make a room feel warm and inviting or cold and stale depending the shade. While each homeowners personal...

A Father’s Guide to Getting a Room Ready...

Ladies, this is not for you. This is just between us dads. This is not a post with affordable tips on baby-proofing a room nor is it a guide to color...

How to Create a Warm Friendly Space in Your Home

It was 21 degrees when I got up this morning, so creating a warm space is extremely appealing to me right now. While this LXTV segment has less to do...