Why the Suburbs are Big Again

An interesting trend is the recent exodus from the city centers back to the places where a small parcel of land has always been a reward for years at the daily grind. Though this time, the suburbs...

The Hunt for a Home: City vs. Suburbs, Part 2

This morning we saw Lauren and Allen embark on their hunt for a new home and try to determine whether they should stay in the cityscape of Chicago or venture out to the suburbs. They looked at a...

The Hunt for a Home: City vs. Suburbs Part 1

Ah the age old question that has faced many a homeowner with a growing family: do you stay in the city or move to the suburbs? Do you forsake the hustle and bustle of the metropolis for the quieter,...

Consider Commute Time in Your Next House Hunt

Do you love your job, house, or neighborhood but absolutely hate to make the long commute? Does commuting to work take 60 minutes or more? If so, you are apart of the 8.1%, per the United States...