The Coolest Samsung Smart Home Products at CES

Samsung's newest products will help you cook, clean and relax like never before.

The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the single largest tech event of the year.  This is the time when every major tech company announces what’s new and what’s hot.  As an owner of a few Samsung products, I visited their booth to check out some of their newest products for 2016.  Here are my top five Samsung announcements that will also serve as my official Christmas list.



If there was ever a product I could see in my home, it is one of Samsung’s new TVs.  As you walk around CES and are continuously bombarded with visually stunning materials, I was immediately drawn to the Samsung SUHD TVs.  You may be asking what “SUHD” stands for and you wouldn’t be alone.  The “UHD” is the official industry term for Ultra High Definition (also known as 4K), but the “S” is the real mystery.  According to Samsung it doesn’t represent one specific word, but is part of the branding for their flagship products.

According to Samsung, their 2016 SUHD TVs offer unparalleled picture quality with Quantum dot display, the world’s first bezel-less curved design which is beautiful from every angle and the smartest user experience that makes it easy for consumers to access all their entertainment content in one place. In addition, the full 2016 SUHD TV lineup contains an Internet of Things (IoT) hub technology, allowing the TV itself to act as the controller for the entire smart home.

This new line of TVs is expected to be available in March.

Family Hub Refrigerator

CES Fridge

As a five member household, our refrigerator is the most widely used appliance in our home.  Continuously restocking it also puts a ton of miles on my car as we drive to the market to pick up a missing recipe ingredients.

The Samsung Family Hub fridge isn’t just for keeping things cool.  With an enormous touchscreen on one of the doors, you’ll find a grocery ordering app so you will never forget to pick up the eggs again!  Not sure if you need milk?  Don’t worry because thanks to several cameras inside the refrigerator and a really cool app, you can take a look while at the store.  This smart refrigerator will also allow you to control your lights, home temp, and other connected gadgets while grabbing a late night snack.

This smart fridge is expected to retail around $5,000.

Activewash Washing Machines

Samsung Fridge

You may find it hard to believe that a washing machine would make it on the coolest tech list, but have you seen Samsung’s Activewash washing machines?  With five cubic feet of capacity, this machine can cut down the number of trips to the laundry room.  If you are like many of us and don’t have a sink in your laundry room, don’t worry because these washing machines come with their own sinks.  Now, you can wash those delicate items or scrub tough stains all from the same room avoiding mess and saving time.

These washing machines will run about $1,100.

Robot Vacuums

Samsung Robot

If you had your very own robot what would you have it do?  Vacuum of course!  Samsung’s POWERbot has some really cool features like having the ability to direct the little bot to a specific room or spot with a handheld remote.

Samsung claims its cleaning prowess is unprecedented in a robot vacuum. The Digital Inverter Motor features a level of suction up to 60 times more powerful than conventional robot vacuums for removal of dirt.  Hard wood and laminate surfaces are a breeze for the VR9000 and an extra-wide rectangular brush bar that is four inches wider than standard robot vacuums eliminates the need for side brushes while covering more ground in a single pass.  CycloneForce technology creates a centrifugal force that routes particles into a separate inner chamber, minimizing clogging in order to maintain its powerful suction.  Once cleaning is complete, or the battery is low, the POWERbot will guide itself back to the docking station for recharging.

You can pick up your own robot for about $1,000.

Samsung Welt

Samsung Welt

Not a great name but an amazing idea.

Look on most people’s wrists and you will probably see some sort of fitness band.  I love mine, but is there an opportunity to make them blend in with your formal wear?  Samsung believes so.  In a blog post, Samsung said “WELT is a smart wearable healthcare belt that looks like a normal belt, thus offering consumers a more discreet way of using smart sensor technology to monitor their health.” If you are looking for more functionality, “WELT is capable of recording the user’s waist size, eating habits and the number of steps taken, as well as time spent sitting down. It then sends this data to a specially-designed app for analysis, and the production of a range of personalized healthcare and weight management plans.”

The WELT is still in development and not currently available for retail.

For more smart home tech launched at CES this year, check out

* Images provided by

Darren Hoffman
Darren Hoffman

New Jersey lifer with an amazing wife and kids who fuel everything I do and make me…me. I’ve got the best job ever because I love all things marketing (I also love long weekends, holidays and days off…go figure)! When I’m outside, listening to music or with my family, I’m a happy guy.


  1. Practically speaking. The washing machine has 2 big thumbs up for me and my condo clients. Space, as you know is at a premium nearly everywhere. To have a machine double as a sink is simple and will be in demand. Tech does not need to be complicated!

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