Your Walk Through List: Five Essentials

Before touring your dream house, prevent the neglect of any essentials by compiling a list of all your expectations. Buyers can sometimes get sidetracked by what a house does offer and forget to notice what it doesn't.

Most people know exactly what they want in a home. Too often, however, once buyers or renters attend an open house, the excitement of finding their dream home can quickly become overwhelming. The checklist consigned to memory can quickly vanish, allowing important factors to be overlooked. It’s a good idea to come prepared with a walk through list that includes the less-than-obvious details.


It isn’t uncommon to hear stories of backyard reptiles around the Jacksonville area. Rest assured, there are a few ways to avoid generating some of your own. Ponds that have plants poking through the water make good homes for alligators. Mossy, dirty water also provides an extra level of cover. On the walk through list, be sure to examine the outer perimeter of the pond for any signs of tracks, nesting, food, or trash that might indicate the presence of alligators.

Hurricane and Flooding Issues

While major storm damage will be very difficult for anyone to miss, some less subtle signs might be overlooked. Walk the perimeter of the house and look for any splits in the outer frame or foundation. Inquire about the elevation level and whether the land is prone to flooding or has suffered hurricane or flooding before. Jacksonville gets rain virtually every day, so it’s important to check the gutters to ensure that water runs away from the house.

Floors, Doors, and Windows

Make sure that all floor coverings are without ridges or seam gaps. Make sure to check the condition of carpets. Ensure the carpet is pulled tight and all seams match. Pay attention to the strength of the floor while walking around and notice any soft spots caused by flooding. Are there slightly faded patches of color in the carpet around the windows? These may indicate leaks.

The thunderstorm and hurricanes in Jacksonville can damage doors and windows. Test all doors and windows to make sure they open and close easily. Check the sides of the doors for light beams that might be peaking through. Take a look at door hinges for obvious signs of rust, looseness, or damage.

Appliances, Fixtures, and Surfaces

Investigate appliances. Does the refrigerator door shut tightly? Does the ice maker work? Will the oven heat properly? Politely test these appliances during the walk through.

Confirm that the house’s plumbing is in solid working order. Do the faucet and toilet operate correctly? Does the kitchen sink leak? Some parts of the Jacksonville area are prone to sulfur water. Test the bathroom and kitchen sinks for malodorous water. Simply let the water run for a few seconds; if the house does have sulfur water, the answer will appear almost instantly.

Basement and Attic

In these two floors of the house, check for dampness or leaks, mold or mildew, and for significant cracking in the foundation walls or in the floors. Typically, damage from Jacksonville’s flooding and heavy rain seasons is strongest in the basement, but it is important to examine the other levels of the house as well by checking for soft spots and cracks in the corner of both the floor and ceiling

Keeping this handy walk through list with you will help ensure that the process of securing your dream home in Jacksonville is a breeze.

Photo Source: Coldwell Banker


Debbie Pamplin

One comment

  1. […] In these two floors of the house, check for dampness or leaks, mold or mildew, and for significant cracking in the foundation walls or in the floors. Typically, damage from Jacksonville’s flooding and heavy rain seasons is strongest in the basement, but it is important to examine the other levels of the house as well by checking for soft spots and cracks in the corner of …read more […]

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