Homes for Dogs: Max’s Story of Finding Home

The star of the new Coldwell Banker TV ad had a rough road to finding his forever home.

Hello. My name is Max. It wasn’t always my name, but it’s the name that suits me best. It’s what my mom calls me (she’s the human in my home) and it’s the name that saved me. My first given name that I know of was actually, Breezy. Yes, Breezy. Did they not realize I was a male? Frank, Fido, or Fin would have been better, but you’ll see my name, much like my story, improves with time.

Sure I’m going to be on the Academy Awards as part of the new Coldwell Banker TV commercial, but the road to get there wasn’t an easy one for this two and a half year old Maltese/Yorkshire Terrier mix.

My story begins a few years ago when I was found by animal control in a field and picked up as a stray because I had no collar, ID tag or microchip. I’m not quite sure who my owners were, but if you think being abandoned in a field is bad where I was headed next wasn’t much better.

Come on. Who could resist me?

You see I got sent to a “high kill” shelter in an area with a lot of animal cruelty and abandonment. Not cool at all, but because of this reality, the shelter only keeps the dogs they find for a total of 5 days. If I wasn’t claimed by the end of the fourth day, then I was scheduled to be euthanized on the 5th day.

My “time” at the shelter was nearing a close when I unfortunately caught a cold. Not a big deal, right? Well, evidently dogs with colds are deemed unadoptable (which surprisingly isn’t even a real word) and I was put back on the “kill” list for that day. Not good…

But that’s not the end of my story thanks to The Dexter Foundation, a local non-profit dog rescue and adoption agency. The Dexter Foundation called to check on my status as they had previously been informed about my situation, and after hearing I was about to be euthanized, they swooped in quickly to rescue me. They found temporary foster care for me while I was put up for adoption and given the name “Breezy.” Again, not the greatest of name choices, but these folks did save my life so I have to cut them some slack. While with the Dexter Foundation I got a microchip, was fixed and received all the necessary vaccinations. They even shaved my coat as I was extremely matted.

My owner (a.k.a. Mom) found me on as she was looking for a male dog to rescue/adopt and just happened to be searching for a dog my breed and age. Thank you fate for stepping in! As soon as she saw my picture she just knew I was the perfect pet for her. As you can see, I’m very photogenic.

She contacted the Dexter Foundation and arranged to go and meet me in person the next week at a local pet adoption event. I fell in love with her immediately and I could tell the feeling was mutual, but sadly she couldn’t take me home there and then…as much as I wanted her to. My owner had to go through a home visit and interview process to ensure she was a qualified owner for “Breezy” and that her home was pet friendly.

This is me after a long walk with mom.
This is me after a long walk with mom.

They were very concerned that I would escape as I had a few times before while foster care. Within a week, “Breezy” (or the dog soon to be named Max!) was now living with a new mommy! I will admit it was a very stressful first few weeks, more for mom than me, but we soon fell into a routine and it’s been bliss ever since. Now, I couldn’t imagine life without her and I know she feels the same way about me.

I get to go to work with her every day at the Siltanen & Partners ad agency, and I know I’m a part of a really big family there.

Who knows what my life was like during those first two years. I don’t like to think about it. Pretty soon after being adopted they discovered a lump on my leg, which when removed and biopsied was found to be a pellet from a bb gun. Yes, I was shot in my early life out in the “field.”

Sure I have a little skip in my step from this wound, but I’ve got an even bigger “spring” in my step now that I’m in a healthy, loving environment that I can truly call home.

If you want to give a dog a home, take a look at what Coldwell Banker is doing with their Homes for Dogs Project.

David Marine
David Marine

Husband. Father. Socializer. Mets Lifer. TV Aficionado. Consumer Engager. David Marine is the Chief Marketing Officer at Coldwell Banker, where he oversees the brand’s marketing efforts and content strategy including acting as managing editor for the Coldwell Banker blog and heading up video production efforts. While CMO by day, David runs a three ring circus at night as he is the father of 4 boys. He also happens to be married to Wonder Woman. True story.


  1. WOW WOW WOW, what a great story! I just saw the commercial on NBC, which prompted me to check out the link, Great project! Bravo to Coldwell Banker! For my next real state needs, I will go to Coldwell Banker for sure! Thank you!

  2. I will be putting my home on the market in the near future. Because of this campaign I will definitely hope to be able to use Coldwell. Both my dogs are rescues and finding homes for abandoned and abused animals while selling homes is a wonderful endeavor. Thank you

  3. I’m proud to be affiliated with Coldwell Banker. I’ve been in rescue much longer than I’ve been in Real Estate, and I’m happy to combine the two now – I donate 5% of my yearly proceeds to a puppy mill rescue group based in Lancaster County, PA.

  4. Being involved in rescue for 10 years I can not express how much this story touches my heart. And that Codwell Banker is going above and beyond like this is wonderful. Thank you!!!

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