Coldwell Banker Around the World: January 2025
Finding Magic in the Charming City of San Miguel de Allende in Central Mexico
Top 10 Coldwell Banker Stories of the Month –...
Extra, extra! Read the Top 10 news items that ran in December about Coldwell Banker and its stellar agents. This is just a sampling of the 1,000+...
From ‘She-Elites’ to Gen X: Coldwell Banker...
Insights from Luxury Property Specialists highlight rising market confidence and key trends shaping the global luxury real estate landscape in the...
Regional President Chris Jensen Retiring from...
After 34 years with Coldwell Banker, Jensen has earned a reputation as one of the most highly respected business leaders within the national real...
Coldwell Banker Island Affiliates Opens First...
The new office, Coldwell Banker Saint Barth, is led by Broker/Owner Gabriel Montigny, a seasoned real estate professional who is an established force...
Coldwell Banker Recognized with Honorable Mention...
Dream Ad Campaign & Move Meter Tool Honored