Smart Home Device Purchases Proven to Save Money

Sure, a smart home device is fun, but did you know these tech upgrades can also help you save money? With a bit of upfront investment, smart devices like these can help you conserve power, save water, and lower your monthly bills.

Sure, a smart home device is fun, but did you know these tech upgrades can also help you save money? With a bit of upfront investment, smart devices like these can help you conserve power, save water, and lower your monthly bills.

1. Nest Thermostat

Several “smart” thermostats are on the market, and offer various app controls and other features, so what makes the Nest Thermostat superior when it comes to saving money? First, Nest is now owned by Google, which is working to create a smart home division around Nest and has already released a new generation of the thermostat. This means that the thermostat has the support and quality, guaranteed into the future, that many competitors lack — not to mention a certain Googlesque usability.

Second, Nest is a “learning” thermostat. Keep changing the temperature to cool down at night and warm up at specific times of day, and it will start to make those changes on its own. This makes it easy to save money by keeping your system quiet when you really don’t need it. Google is also releasing app additions to help users create a more eco-friendly heating/cooling system. Your HVAC uses more electricity than anything else in your house, so this can really make a difference.

2. Smart Meter

You may not have heard about this smart home device, but it has some of the greatest potential to save you money. A smart meter tracks all the electricity that goes into your home, and how much you use at any particular time. Advanced versions can show you where and when you are using the most power, and offer you advice about reducing your power usage over time with different habits.

The issue with smart meters is that you don’t really have an opportunity to install them yourself, and they are typically managed and upgraded by your power company. If you don’t already have one, contact your power company and see if you can upgrade to a smart version.

3. Smart Plugs/Power Strips

A smart plug is a device that fits over a regular plug and adds a WiFi connection. This allows you to control whatever you plug into that socket with your phone and set schedules to automatically turn them on and off. Power strips do the same, en masse. This is a great option when it comes to making sure that lamps, TVs, lights, and other appliances are turned off when not being used — especially at night, thus saving you energy. Smart bulbs are another option here.

4. Irrigation

A smart home device like GreenIQ can revolutionize the way you water your grass and plants. This hub helps you control your sprinklers, water habits, outdoor lighting, and more. It can change in response to the weather, respond to weather station updates, and give you ways to save both water and energy.

Image Source: Flickr/Ruth Hartnup


T. Lacoma
T. Lacoma

Tyler Lacoma was lucky enough to snag a suddenly affordable home in beautiful Bend, Oregon during the late 2000s. Now he works, lives and plays there as a professional writer and editor specializing in business, investment, tech products, and ecological issues. When he isn't making the Internet a more interesting and informative place, Tyler enjoys exploring the outdoors, trying new breweries, convincing friends to try the latest tech gadget, or tackling his latest landscaping idea.

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