The Albright’s Story: A Heartwarming Experience

From the day I started at Coldwell Banker Real Estate on December 19, 2011 I knew that Gen Blue was going to be one amazing event. As the rookie of the group I sat in on Gen Blue planning meetings still unsure of what to expect when we actually got to New Orleans. I did […]

From the day I started at Coldwell Banker Real Estate on December 19, 2011 I knew that Gen Blue was going to be one amazing event. As the rookie of the group I sat in on Gen Blue planning meetings still unsure of what to expect when we actually got to New Orleans. I did know that it was going to be unlike anything I had ever attended and I was right.

The highlight of Gen Blue for me was seeing firsthand how dedicated Coldwell Banker agents are to their careers. Over the three day experience I was exposed to stories from agents who answer to a “higher calling.” Day after day they are committed to helping people to believe in housing again. Coldwell Banker agents look beyond price tags and commission rates and offer buyers a look at the true Value of a Home.

One moment at Gen Blue completely defined this idea of agents answering to a higher calling and when it occurred I can honestly say I had goose bumps.

The story I am about to share involves an agent, Victoria Rabb of Coldwell Banker United in Pensacola, Florida, and an active duty Military family, Jared & Amy Albright. This story demonstrates the importance of the work real estate agents do every day; many are in this job for their love of helping people achieve the dream of home ownership.

Now I could tell the story, but it’s much more powerful coming from the Albrights. Take a look at what they have to say about their real estate agent:

We heard about the Albright’s story shortly after I began my career at Coldwell Banker. It was a no-brainer to invite them to be our honored guests at The Generation Blue Experience. They were delighted with the offer and told us that because they were both on active duty in the United States Air Force they had never been away on a vacation together, not even for their honeymoon!


After showing the video above at Gen Blue, our CEO Jim Gillespie welcomed Jared and Amy to the main stage where they were greeted with a lengthy standing ovation, clearly showing their gratitude for all the Albright’s and other active military personnel have done for our country.

Jim Gillespie welcomed Jared and Amy to the main stage where they were greeted with a standing ovation.

While I tried to hide the tears rolling down my cheeks I quickly realized everyone around me was wiping away tears between clapping as well. It seemed there wasn’t a dry eye in the house!

The Albright’s were extremely touched by the way they were recognized while on stage, but what happened next completely blew them away.

As they enjoyed sightseeing in New Orleans they were stopped nearly everywhere they went by someone from Coldwell Banker who recognized them. They were greeted with hugs, stories of loved ones who are also on active duty in the United States military, and even received a bottle of champagne from an agent!



Despite being on their “honeymoon,” Jared and Amy decided to spend a majority of their time with us at the Gen Blue experience. In just a few days they had become part of the Coldwell Banker family.

The Albright’s with David Marine and Lindsay Listanski at the Gen Blue closing party.

After a sad goodbye at our final night party we were delighted to run in to Jared and Amy at the airport for one last laugh and final picture together.

One last laugh and final picture together at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport

A huge thank you goes to Victoria Rabb who persevered through 628 challenging days to sell Amy and Jared’s Florida home. And a very special thank you to Jared and Amy Albright for believing in Coldwell Banker and for all that you have done and continue to do for our country.



  1. What a great post Lindsey. Coldwell Banker is fortunate to have you in this position. Thank you for believing in our Industry and all that you do. 

  2. My daughter,Victoria lost her Dad when she was 14 . She watched over her Brother 11 and Sister 5 when her Mother went to work.

    Her heart has always gone out to any needy animal or family who needs help.

    Everyone who knows her will agree selling these family’s home is a Calling to her.

    Caldwell Banker you are lucky to have her with you all these years. I know I am blessed too.

    Betty Cleveland 

    1. Mrs. Cleveland,

      As one mother to another, I want to say thanks to you as well for raising such a fantastic daughter.  I have heard Amy speak highly of her for the past couple of years.  Amy and Victoria went beyond the vendor/client relationship and became friends as well.  You raised a wonderful daughter despite all she and your entire family had to endure.  You truly are blessed, and have blessed Amy as well.  Sincerely, Teresa Roberts (Amy Albright’s mother)

  3. All of you at Coldwell Banker have really touched my heart with the outstanding admiration and support you have shown for my daughter Amy and her family.  Words cannot express my appreciation to Victoria, Lindsay, Jim, David and all the others who took their time to make this trip and recognition possible.  Thank you and may God bless you all.       Teresa Roberts

  4. I would just like to say a big Thank You to Victoria for her patience and persistence as well as the care she gave to Amy and Jared during the sell of their home in Florida. I know this was a blessing to them as well as a relief to see the house finally sell. I would also like to say a big Thank You to Coldwell Banker for their generosity to my son Jared and his family. He has told me how much he appreciates everything you did for them with the sell of the house and for the “honeymoon” you gave to them. He has said he never met a better group of people who cared so much about what they do. He is very impressed with Coldwell banker and I must say so am I. Thank you so much!

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