The Most Interesting Home on TV is on USA’s...

Who wouldn't want to live in a beachfront, multi-million dollar home on the sunny sands of California where you're constantly surrounded by...

The Next TV in Your Home Will Not Be Smart But a...

Smart TVs have been talked about for years. Two years ago I was at the Consumer Electronics Show where it was the latest and greatest home...

How to Not Pay Twice for Live TV in Your Vacation...

Summer months are coming when you'll start planning those trips to maybe that vacation home by the beach or on the lake or just away from it all....

Viggle is the Perfect Companion for Your...

The couch in front of the TV. It's one of life's great comfort zones. You know the spot. It's where your body perfectly relaxes as you sit down and...

Slideshow: 5 Big Game Worthy Man Caves

Games as big as the Super Bowl require a larger than life experience. You want a really big TV, some exceptional snacking options and an incredible...

Why the 2013 Consumer Electronics Show is a Look...

Sci-fi movies and The Jetsons cartoon would have us believe that the future home is minimalistic in nature. Scenes of these home in the future...