Everything You Need to Know About Choosing the Right Floor for Your Home

Countless Coldwell Banker real estate agents will cite flooring as an easy – and often inexpensive – update home sellers can make to increase the value of their home.

My husband and I recently bought our first home. After the lengthy negotiating, inspection and closing process, we finally had that magical moment where it all became real!   Let me take you through a play by play of what happened that very first exciting morning.

We were handed the keys.

We ran around the house doing a happy dance realizing we achieved the dream of home ownership.

I Instagramed and Facebooked our first “official homeowner” pic

We went into the guest bedrooms and ripped up the carpet.

Yes, before we unpacked or did anything else our focus went right to our floors. Why? Because the previous owners had pets so of course the carpet was less than pristine and because we knew there was beautiful hardwood waiting for us underneath.

It was an instant upgrade and all it took was a few tugs and rips.  Now that we have been spoiled by our new hardwoods we are quickly realizing we can change the look of the other rooms too, simply by updating the floors.  And that led me to our Coldwell Banker Pinterest boards where I got an immediate lesson on how important flooring is to the beauty of a room.

For my husband and I, updating our floors is more about our enjoyment of our new home.  But countless Coldwell Banker real estate agents will cite flooring as an easy – and often inexpensive – update home sellers can make to increase the value of their home.

A Variety of Options

Shopping for a new floor can seem like a daunting task because there is such a wide range of materials, styles, and prices.  The good news is the choice you are about to make can not only improve the appearance of the room you are working on but also boost the property’s real estate value.

For the sake of keeping this post from turning into a book, I decided to skip going into the seemingly endless options and stick with three of the most popular choices; hardwood, stone, and tile.


There are two things that you must considering when pricing out new flooring, the cost for the materials and cost for installation…unless you are a DIYer and if you are I salute you! If you are not a DIYer then the installation cost may also include a fee for removing the older flooring.

Here is a look at how the price of these materials stack up:

Flooring Material Avg. dollar value per sq. ft*





Natural Stone

Varies depending on stone

*Source: MSN Real Estate

Once you have decided what price range you are comfortable with it is important to understand the pros and cons of each material.

The Pros and Cons


Looking to boost the sales price of your home? You may want to consider hardwood. According to MSN Real Estate, “hardwoods can boost sale prices by as much as 6%, and bamboo, decorative concrete and other hard surfaces are also gaining popularity.”

Pros: Simply put, hardwood floors are timeless.  A gleaming hardwood floor is popular a popular option for homeowners because they look modern and can be used in a variety of spaces.  Years ago, many individuals opted to put hardwood floors in the living area only, but now it is being used in kitchens, bathrooms, finished basements and dining areas. In addition, hardwood floors provide owners with more color options because they can be stained several different shades.

“When working with a home seller, one of the first things I ask when I see a room with carpet in it is what type of floor is underneath. When they answer hardwood, I instantly see the potential for the home value to increase,” says Jessica Edwards, Consumer Specialist with Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage in North Carolina.

Cons: Hardwood requires a great deal of maintenance because they can scratch easily or suffer the effects of water damage.

Bonus: Homeowners who are interested in going green often opt for this type of material, because they can obtain the flooring from older buildings that have been renovated or torn down.



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Pros: Stone floors in kitchens and bathrooms is becoming a new trend, namely because they look elegant, are easy to maintain and are virtually indestructible. Stone floors come in a variety of options, including slate, marble, granite, limestone and sandstone and each of these options create a unique look.

Cons: Some consider the price of stone floors to be a draw back. They can be expensive, so homeowners should shop around and do a price comparison before choosing this option. For those who live in cooler climates it may be necessary to install radiant heat as stone floors provide little to no warmth during colder months.



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Pros: Tile floors are an oldie but a goodie, and this option allows homeowners to choose from a variety of patterns and colors for an affordable price.  One major benefit of tile flooring is the ease of keeping it clean. Unless it has been spilled on, most tile floors will look just like new with routine vacuuming or dusting.

Cons:  If left uncared for dirt and grime can get in the grout and make tile difficult to clean. In addition, tile is susceptible to chips and cracks.

Bonus: Tile floors are an excellent option for those who suffer from allergies. An additional bonus for those who have pets. Because title floors are so durable, they are capable of withstanding damage and scratching from our furry little friends claws and nails.

I’ve started my own personal journey with flooring and can’t wait to hit room after room in our house!  So far, I’m a hardwood girl, but I’m keeping my options open.


Lindsay Listanski
Lindsay Listanski

Lindsay is the the Director of Media Engagement for Coldwell Banker Real Estate and manages the brand’s media and social media department. She is also a licensed real estate professional. In 2017 & 2018, she was named a top 20 social influencer in the real estate industry in the annual Swanepoel 200 power rankings. Lindsay lives in Livingston, NJ with her college sweetheart and now husband Joe and rwelcomed another Joe into her life as she became a mom in June 2016.


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